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Machane Chalom is Habonim Dror Perth's first Mini Machane which is a Two-Day day camp happening these holidays!

Machane Chalom is for Chanichim (participants) in Years 2-6 and we cannot wait to spend some special time with our Juniors at the end of the month. 

Habo camps are a safe, open and inclusive environment where chanichim have the opportunity to learn about what it means to take responsibility over their communities. Chanichim also engage in education about Judaism, Socialist-Zionism and larger discussions about Israel. Machane Chalomn is Filled with educational content, fun & engaging activities. 




Day 1: Monday, 30th September 
Day 2: Tuesday, 1st October

Drop off and Pick up for both days will be sent to parents once they have signed up 

If you are unable to drop off and pick up
at these times, please contact
Aimee O Ph: 0402499203

Camp Prices





We believe that every child deserves a place on our camp.

If you require a subsidy or payment plan, or have any financial concerns, please contact our Treasurer Aron Schnieder on: 
Ph: 0411 801 544

Sign Up

Camp Sign Up

Please note that all chanichim require a signed
indemnity form in order to attend camp.

 Download the indemnity form below,
If you are unsure whether you already have an up-to-date indemnity form, please contact Gal Tairy on 0416 634 404 

Photos From Past Camps

Packing List

Packing List



  • Closed shoes

  • Hat

  • Water bottle

  • Vegetarian Nut freee Snacks (optional)

  • Food with nuts 

  • Meet Products




  • Expensive items

  • Illicit Substances

  • Explosives

  • Weapons of any kind



For financial enquiries , contact Aron Schnieder:
Gizbar (Treasurer)

Ph: 0477 742 082 

For any other queries, contact Gal Tairy:
Mazkir (Chairperson)
Ph: 0416 634 404


Our Safeguarding Children Policy

On every camp we have leaders who have obtained their First Aid Training, Mental Health First Aid Training and Lifeguard certifications. All madrichim on camp have completed the Safeguarding Children course and hold a Working with Children's Check. 
We have a medic on camp to administer medication and care for any chanichim who are experiencing illness or injury.

Habonim Dror Australia is an affiliate of the AZYC which abides by accredited Safeguarding Children Policies

Please click below to view the AZYC Safeguarding Children Policy

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